Germ Activities for Preschoolers: A Creative Way to Teach Them About Health and Hygiene

germ activities for kids
Teaching young children about health and hygiene is crucial in laying the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits. By introducing preschoolers to the concept of germs, we can empower them to take responsibility for their well-being, as well as help them understand the importance of cleanliness. Engaging, hands-on germ activities are the perfect way to make these lessons fun and memorable. In this guide, we’ll explore various germ activities for preschoolers that will spark their curiosity and provide a creative way to teach them about health and hygiene. Say goodbye to boring lectures, and let the fun begin with exciting, interactive activities that will leave a lasting impression on those little minds!

The Basics of Germs

Before diving into our exciting germ-based activities, it’s essential to establish a baseline understanding of what germs are. Germs are little organisms or microbes that are so small they’re invisible to the naked eye. While some of these microorganisms are beneficial to our bodies— our ‘friendly’ germs— some are detrimental, causing different types of infections and illnesses.

In the world of germs live bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Each has unique ways of spreading— through touch, air, water, and even food. By teaching young children these basic facts, they will understand why they need to maintain cleanliness. A clear comprehension of germs’ invisibility, ubiquity, and potential for harm will form the backdrop for the activities to follow. Now, it’s time to learn through hands-on, vivid, and fun-filled germ activities that bring all this abstract knowledge to life.

Germ Activities for Preschoolers

Learning doesn’t always have to be mundane or difficult – it can be a fun, engaging journey. That’s especially true when teaching preschoolers about germs. Below are some creative germ-focused activities designed to educate whilst also entertaining. They offer a hands-on approach to visualizing, understanding, and tackling germs, making the invisible world of microbes tangible and intriguing.

1. Glitter Germs
first day of school books

With just a couple of inexpensive everyday items, the Glitter Germs activity fosters a perfect scenario where kids can learn about the spread of germs in an interactive and exciting way.


  • Colored glitter
  • Hand sanitizer or lotion


  • Introduction: Start with an explanation of germs and how easily they spread. Discuss how they are usually not visible to the naked eye but can cause us to get sick.
  • Germs Simulation: Pour a small bottle of hand sanitizer or lotion into a bowl and add some colored glitter (the germs). Stir it well so the glitter is mixed in.
  • Application: Have your preschooler dip their hands in the mixture, completely covering them in the glitter “germs.”
  • Germs Spread Simulation: Ask them to touch objects like toys, books, or door handles. Notice how the glitter germs stick to everything they touch, demonstrating how quickly and widely germs can spread.
  • Cleanup: Now it’s time to clean up. Start by wiping their hands with a dry towel – but observe that some glitter germs remain. Now, with water alone, try to wash off the remainder – again, some will stubbornly stick around. Finally, use soap and warm water to thoroughly clean their hands, noticing how they effectively remove the glitter germs, emphasizing the importance of good handwashing practice.

Learning Outcome:

This fun and tangible experiment illustrates how unseen germs can rapidly disseminate from one person or surface to another. It also accentuates the importance of regular and thorough handwashing using soap and water. The glittery experience makes the vital habit of hygiene a memorable and enjoyable one for the kids, underscoring the essential message – Wash your hands regularly to keep the germs at bay!

2. Germ Blow Painting

Introduce children to the fascinating and invisible world of germs with “Germ Blow Painting”! This interactive, creative activity helps them visualize how germs spread when we cough or sneeze while exploring their artistic abilities.


  • Watercolor paint
  • Straws
  • Watercolor paper


  • Setup: For each child, prepare a small puddle of watercolor paint on watercolor paper. Provide them with a straw.
  • Let’s Blow!: Ask the children to gently blow on the paint through the straw from different angles, causing the paint to spread across the paper in fascinating patterns.
  • Variation: Encourage the kids to experiment with colors and blowing intensity to create diverse ‘germ’ patterns.
  • Cleanup & Discussion: Once everyone completes their germ artwork, initiate cleanup. Utilize this time to discuss the activity and its relevance in indicating how germs disperse in reality.

Learning Outcome:

The Germ Blow Painting activity offers a creative way to visualize the spread of germs. It demonstrates, with colorful drama, how germs can easily fly through the air, sticking onto surfaces or people nearby. Gently blowing into the straw simulates a cough or sneeze action, showing the potential extent of germ spread. Moreover, the activity also provides an opportunity for children to explore their creativity, igniting their imagination while emphasizing an important health lesson – that not all germs are harmless, and we should practice good hygiene to keep sickness at bay.

3. Handprint “Germ” Art
handprint germ art

It’s time to bring out the inner artist in your preschoolers! Handprint “Germ” Art is a stimulating activity that combines creativity and learning, teaching them that germs are everywhere—even on their hands.


  • White paper
  • Non-toxic paint in different colors


  • Preparation: Set up an art-friendly area with white paper, various colors of non-toxic paint, and disposable containers for the paint.
  • Explaining Germs: Talk about germs as an unseen world that exists around and on us. Even though it’s hard to see them, germs easily cling to our hands. Remind them that good hygiene, like proper handwashing, helps keep germs at bay.
  • Creating “Germ” Handprints: Pour different colored paints into individual containers. Ask your preschoolers to dip one of their hands into a paint color. Next, have them make a handprint on the white paper, pressing their painted hand firmly on the sheet, creating a unique set of “germ” handprints.
  • Repeat & Reflect: Encourage the children to create more handprints using various paint colors. Once finished, discuss the importance of washing hands frequently to eliminate these metaphorical germs.
  • Cleanup: Finally, let them wash their hands, reinforcing effective handwashing techniques discussed throughout the activity.

Learning Outcome:

Handprint “Germ” Art helps children recognize that germs exist everywhere, even on their own hands. By creating visually striking and unique handprints, they’ll be reminded of the ever-present nature of germs and the necessity of practicing good hygiene to care for their 


4. Grocery Bag Germ Transfer Game

Let’s make learning about germ transmission a hands-on, fun game! The Grocery Bag Germ Transfer Game is a playful method of bringing the concept of cross-contamination to life for preschoolers.


  • Small items (toys, pencils)
  • Plastic bags


  • Setting Up: Scatter small items like toys or pencils in plastic bags.
  • The Game: Let your preschoolers transfer items between bags using their hands. Explain that their hands are carriers for an imagined ‘germinator.’
  • Observation: Use this opportunity to explain how the ‘germinator’ can easily spread between objects, just like real germs.
  • Demonstration: To visualize this, imagine or apply non-toxic washable paint on the items. Show them how the paint (germs) spread to other objects while handling, thereby demonstrating the concept of cross-contamination.
  • Understanding: Emphasize that this is how harmful germs spread, which can make us sick if we’re not careful.
  • Discussion: Conclude by stressing the importance of cleaning our hands regularly to prevent the spread of germs.

Learning Outcome:

Preschoolers will understand the concept of cross-contamination through this creative approach. This game exemplifies how germs can easily spread between everyday items, underlining the importance of good hygiene to keep those crafty germs at bay.

5. Germ Collages
germ activities for preschoolers

Open up the doors of imagination with Germ Collages! This activity encourages preschoolers to channel their artistic skills, promote their creative expression, and open up their understanding of germs.


  • Craft supplies (googly eyes, pipe cleaners)
  • Glue
  • Paper


  • Creating Germ Collages: Task the children to create their own ‘germ’ using the craft supplies. Let them glue these craft materials onto their papers, forming a germ-shaped collage.
  • Imagination and Awareness: Let children’s imaginations run divergent. Encourage them to make their germs as detailed and colorful as they wish.
  • Reflection: After they’ve finished creating, engage them in a conversation about their germ artworks, deepening their understanding of germ presence and hygiene importance.
  • Display: Following the discussion, display their artwork as a reminder of the invisible germ world.

Learning Outcome:

The Germ Collages activity is more than just a craft project. It cultivates germ awareness in a creative and fun way, allowing the children to comprehend the concept of germs while giving wings to their artistic expression.

6. Hot Potato Germ Exchange

Embrace the merry rhythm of the Hot Potato Germ Exchange! Fusing learning with fun, this interactive game ensures that children understand germ transmission, all while developing essential motor skills and attentiveness.


  • A sponge
  • Flour or cornstarch


  • Preparation: Sprinkle flour or cornstarch on a sponge – these represent the germs.
  • Circle Time: Gather the kids in a circle and clarify the game rules. The sponge (hot potato) has to be passed quickly between players without getting dropped.
  • Game On: Commence the activity. Let the kids swiftly pass the “germy” sponge to the next participant for about one minute.
  • Halt: After the given time, halt the game. Have them observe their hands, spotting the flour (pretend germs) transferred while passing the sponge.
  • Question Time: Discuss the game. Ask them who touched the sponge, how many times they held it, and what they observed on their hands.
  • Understanding: Conclude with a brief about how quickly germs can spread from one individual to another, just like the flour.

Learning Outcome:

The Hot Potato Germ Exchange marries safety knowledge with immersive playtime. This activity enhances kids’ coordination skills and attentiveness while demonstrating the speedy travel of germs, adding a rich layer to their tactile and cognitive learning.

7. Build-a-Germ Playdough
build-a-germ playdough

Ignite young minds with the vibrant Build-a-Germ Playdough activity! This crafty exercise sparks creativity and imagination, offering a unique opportunity to discuss germs and their impact on our lives.


  • Playdough
  • Beads
  • Pipe cleaners 
  • Googly eyes


  • Setup: Arrange playdough, beads, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes on a table.
  • Creating Germs: Encourage kids to create their germ models using playdough and the available materials. Unleash their imagination by allowing them to make unique and colorful germs.
  • Collaboration: Encourage children to share their ideas and learn from one another to deepen their understanding of the germ concept.
  • Show and Tell: Hold a show-and-tell session when the germ models are complete. Let each child present their germ creation and explain their thought process behind it.
  • Reflection: Close the activity with a discussion on germs and their role in daily life, reiterating the importance of proper hygiene.

Learning Outcome:

The Build-a-Germ Playdough activity cultivates a lively blend of creativity, imagination, and germ awareness. Through playful learning, children learn important health lessons while fostering artistic expression and communication skills.

8. Soap Science

Dive into the fascinating world of Soap Science! This simple yet powerful experiment marks a milestone in children’s understanding of germs and soap’s tremendous role in maintaining their health.


  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • Liquid soap
  • Pepper


  • Setup: Put water in a bowl, sprinkle pepper on top, and add a few drops of food coloring.
  • Discussion: Explain that the floating pepper simulates germs on our skin.
  • Action: Ask a kid to dip a finger coated with soap into the water.
  • Observation: Everyone observes that upon the introduction of soap, the pepper (germs) scurry away.
  • Understanding: Discuss the observed phenomenon, making clear to the kids that soap repels the “germs” (pepper), similar to how it does in real life.
  • Reiteration: Reinforce the importance of using soap while washing hands for effective germ removal to protect our health.

Learning Outcome:

Through the Soap Science activity, children glean a real-life lesson regarding the vitality of using soap during hand washing. This visually engaging experiment reinforces the concept of hygiene, linking it to their daily lives in a memorable way.

9. Germ Story Time
germ story time

Harnessing the captivating power of stories, this session aids children in learning about germs and hygiene while bolstering preschoolers literacy skills.



  • Selection: Choose engrossing, age-appropriate books that revolve around the engaging topic of germs and hygiene.
  • Reading: Hold a lively reading session, sharing fascinating tales while modulating your voice to make the stories​ more compelling.
  • Discussion: After each story, discuss its message. Prompt children to reflect on what the story’s germ characters did and what they learned about cleanliness and health.
  • Interpretation: Elicit children’s understanding of the lessons from the story, enabling them to connect the narratives to their daily habits to ensure better internalization of hygiene practices.

Learning Outcome:

Germ Story Time curates a rich blend of literacy enhancement and germ awareness. The power of stories fosters a deeper connection with hygiene principles, promoting both cognitive development and health consciousness among children.

10. Sing-Along Handwashing

Turn the monotony of hygiene into a lively session with Sing-Along Handwashing! This rhythmically-infused activity transforms handwashing into a fun and memorable event for the children.


  • Water
  • Soap 
  • Sink or handwashing station


  • Setting Up: Organize the necessary resources – water, soap, and a handwashing station.
  • Song Time: Encourage the kids to wash their hands while singing popular handwashing songs emphasizing the correct way and timing of handwashing.
  • Practice: Monitor them as they engage in the activity, ensuring they cover all aspects of proper handwashing: palm-to-palm, between fingers, under nails, and washing for at least 20 seconds.
  • Repetition: Make this a routine activity to ingrain proper hygiene habits in the youngsters.

Learning Outcome:

The Sing-Along Handwashing activity combines learning with music, highlighting the proper handwashing techniques and the right timing. The fun-filled singing makes this critical hygiene practice a joyous affair, thus committing it firmly in the young minds.

11. Hygiene Memory Game

Memory Games for kids are an enthralling venture that becomes even more educational with the Hygiene Memory Game! This activity enhances children’s recall and recognition while cementing essential hygiene practices.


  • Hygiene-themed images, 
  • Memory game template, 
  • Cardstock


  • Preparation: Create matching cards using hygiene-themed images on a cardstock, following the memory game template.
  • Play Time: Guide the children on how to play: flip over two cards on each turn, trying to find matching pairs of hygiene-related images.
  • Discussion: Whenever a matching pair is found, take a moment to discuss the hygiene concept depicted, thereby reinforcing its importance.
  • Continuation: The game continues until participants find all pairs and discuss the associated hygiene concepts.

Learning Outcome:

The Hygiene Memory Game serves a dual purpose: strengthening memory skills and reinforcing knowledge of proper hygiene practices. It combines fun with educational value, encouraging ongoing learning and recollection of germ hygiene in an enjoyable and interactive manner.

12. Coughing Katie Craft
coughing katie craft

Introduce your child to Coughing Katie Craft, an engaging exercise designed to explain the significance of germ prevention. This creative activity harnesses art and craft to underline critical hygiene practices.


  • Styrofoam cups
  • Construction paper
  • Googly eyes
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Velcro


  • Crafting Katie: Flip a Styrofoam cup upside down, serving as Katie’s face. Let children draw features with markers, emphasizing an open mouth for a ‘coughing’ expression. Add googly eyes for a lively touch!
  • Creating Hair and Arms: Using construction paper, encourage children to cut out strips for hair, attaching them to the top of the cup. Craft two additional strips for arms, cutting and attaching hand shapes, respectively – these are glued beneath the cup.
  • Interactive Movement: Secure Velcro on one of Katie’s ‘hands’ and her ‘open mouth.’ This setup allows children to mimic covering her mouth when she ‘coughs.’
  • Learning with Fun: Engage in a brief science discussion on how germs spread via coughing or sneezing, further instilling the importance of the activity.

Learning Outcome:

Coughing Katie Craft combines fine motor skills development with germ-spread awareness. Coupling artistry with knowledge effectively turns hygiene learning into a hands-on, enjoyable experience.

Final Thoughts

We’ve journeyed through several creative and educational germ-related activities, perfect for boosting preschoolers’ understanding of hygiene. From “Sing-Along Handwashing” and “Hygiene Memory Game” to the artistic “Coughing Katie Craft,” each activity not only entertains but ingrains important habits that stay with them as they grow.

When you entrust your child to Baby Steps Daycare, you’re not simply enrolling them in daycare—you’re opting for a holistic educational experience. Your child will participate in diverse activities that balance fun and learning, stimulating cognitive and motor skills. We warmly invite you to contact us today and let Baby Steps Daycare be a part of your child’s delightful journey.