UPK- Tulips – Age 4-5

UPK-Tulip Daily Schedule: AGE 4-5 Years Old

Full Day Schedule UPK Program (6 hours 20 min) Extended hours available

8:00-8:15 Arrival Families and children are greeted individually. Children sign in and select a quiet activity such as table-toys, fine motor, puzzles or books.
8:15-8:40 Breakfast Mealtimes are learning times when teachers sit with children, have them serve their own food, and carry on conversations.
8:40-9:20 Morning Meeting Sing Songs, Finger Plays, Calendar, Weather, Attendance, Talk about the Day’s Activities, Sharing News, Non-fiction Read Aloud or other Mini-Lesson supporting Pre-K Common Core aligned instructional unit, Hands on Activity to follow.
9:20-10:00 Center Time Self-initiated activity time. Children choose the area in which they like to work, child with whom they would like to work, and the materials they would like to use. Teachers manage Center participation where necessary for logistical purposes. (e.g. Limit of 4 children in blocks). That promotes children’s Social, Cognitive, and Language Development. (e.g. Children count the number of name tags already in a Center and figure out whether they can also join; and if not, how they can make a different choice).
10:00-10:50 Gross Motor/Outdoors Children are supervised are they use the playground toys and materials (climbers, slides). Observe and interact with children as they ride bikes, play ball games, blow bubbles, make nature discoveries, and so on. Design some small group activities children can choose. Extend study work outdoors, if appropriate. Help children to put away or carry in toys and materials.
10:50-11:05 Story Time Read alouds and/or Shared Readings with interactive discussions. Read and discuss literature or informational text. Use props to help children retell stories or other relevant activities.
11:05-11:50 Lunch Children wash hands and help set the tables. Teachers sit with children and engage them in conversations about the day’s events, the meal itself, and topics of interest of children. Guide children in cleaning up after lunch, brushing teeth, setting out cots/mats, and preparing for rest
11:50-12:50 Rest/Quiet Time Help children relax so they can fall asleep. Provide quiet activities for children who don’t sleep. Adjust length of rest time to suit age of group and needs of individual children and time of year.
12:50-1:30 Center Time/Small Group Self-initiated activity time. Children choose the area in which they like to work, child with whom they would like to work, and the materials they would like to use. Teachers observe, ask open-ended questions, and make suggestions to extend children’s play and support their learning. Lead small group activities that build on children’s skills and interests.
1:30-2:00 Snack Teachers sit with children and enjoy a snack together or supervise the “snack bar”. If possible, the children can prepare it as part of their Center Time.
2:00-2:20 Story Time and Closing Meeting Lead group discussion about the day. Help children reflect on the day’s event and prepare for home. Read aloud.