Types of Parents: Which One Are You?

types of parents

Parenting is so much more than just giving birth and raising a child. It’s nurturing and encouraging the best in your child, helping them to grow, and promoting their dreams. Also, it comes with challenges, making choices, and doing the best you can.

No two people are alike, and that includes parenting styles. There are many effective approaches to teaching children, but the most important thing is finding a method that suits you. As you read this article, you will better understand how parenting styles can affect your child. Also knows the different parenting styles—some work well with certain personalities, others don’t.

Baumrind’s Theory of Parenting Styles

Baumrind’s theory of parenting styles is one of the most widely accepted theories for understanding how parents can affect their child’s development. The theory, which describes four different parenting styles—authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved—also considers the advantages and disadvantages of each for parents and children.

Authoritarian Parenting

types of parents

Authoritarian parenting is characterized by a parent who uses strict rules and discipline to control their child’s behavior. This type of parent is often demanding and doesn’t tend to explain the reasoning behind the rules they set.

Authoritarian parents also tend to have a more negative view of themselves and their children, making them less likely to praise or reward their children for good behavior.

Authoritarian parents rely heavily on physical discipline and threats, which suggests they place a high value on obedience. They also tend to be emotionally detached from their children – making it difficult for children with authoritarian parents to develop healthy relationships with others later in life.

What effect does it have on children? A child raised by an authoritarian parent often struggles to make decisions for themselves and feels powerless. They can also have difficulty developing the ability to form healthy relationships because they need to learn how to cope with stress and solve problems in constructive ways. They may have other issues, such as:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Difficulty with handling stress
  • Poor problem-solving skills
  • Poor social skills
  • Anger management issues and resentment toward others

Each of these factors can negatively affect the child’s life. Some authoritarian parents may need to realize that their parenting style is causing problems for their children. Others may be aware of it but are unwilling to change how they parent.

Permissive Parenting

permissive parenting

Permissive parenting is a style of child-rearing in which the parents allow their children to do what they want, with little or no discipline. The permissive parent will let their child do whatever they want without any consequences for their actions. They believe this is the best way to raise a child and do not see any negative effects.

Kids who need to learn to cope with stress and solve problems positively may find this helpful in some situations but may cause problems in others. Some signs that permissive parents might have raised your child include: 

  • Lack of responsibility
  • Lack of self-sufficiency and accountability
  • Lack of boundaries and discipline 
  • May suffer from anxiety and depression
  • Lack of empathy and compassion for others
  • Lack of social skills
  • Unsociable and unfriendly
  • Recurring problems at school or in their peer group
  • Delayed or unprepared for adulthood 
  • Lack of respect for authority in others.

Permissively parented kids tend to have high self-esteem but can also be selfish and egocentric. These children might not work as hard at school or in social endeavors since they don’t feel a need to do so.

Authoritative Parenting

authoritative parenting

Authoritative parenting is the sweet spot between permissive parenting and authoritarian parenting.

The authoritative parent is a warm, approachable, and understanding person who sets clear boundaries for their children and lets them know their expectations. They’re firm without being harsh, so kids know they can trust them, but they also know that certain things should never be done.

They’re not afraid to discipline their children when necessary, but they don’t do it out of anger or frustration; they do it because they know it’s best for their kids in the long run.

Authoritative parents are good at communicating with their kids—they explain why something is important and how it affects others around them. They help kids develop good values by teaching them to think critically about the world and make decisions based on those values.

What effect does it have on children? Children raised by authoritative parents tend to be high achievers and are more likely to develop into well-adjusted adults who are able to navigate the world confidently. They’re more likely to have higher self-esteem and better deal with problems without becoming overly emotional or frustrated (unlike kids raised in authoritarian households). 

This parenting style tends to produce children who are:

  • Children can learn to control their anger and act responsibly.
  • They can learn to think independently and creatively, which lays the foundation for success in school and future careers.
  • They’re better able to develop a sense of right and wrong—and are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. 
  • An intimate, caring connection between both parents
  • Happy and successful

Neglectful or Uninvolved Parenting

types of parents

The neglectful or uninvolved parent does not provide emotional and financial support for their child. This type of parent is either absent from the child’s life or doesn’t invest in it, even when they’re present. The neglectful or uninvolved parent doesn’t show interest in their child’s activities, hobbies, or schoolwork; they don’t ask questions about their day or give advice; they don’t offer help with homework, and they don’t provide emotional support.

What this means for your child: 

A lack of emotional attachment between parent and child can lead to low self-esteem and depression. Children may feel abandoned by their parents and grow up feeling like they have nothing to offer others. They’ll also struggle with forming healthy relationships as adults because they’ve learned that other people won’t be there for them when they need them most.

Such individuals are more likely to experience the following:

  • Being rebellious
  • Delinquency
  • Substance use
  • Lower verbal and non-verbal emotional intelligence

Kids who are emotionally neglected are more likely to have problems with social skills, including the ability to read other people’s emotions and express their own feelings appropriately.

The 6 Sub-Types of Parenting Styles

There are many different parenting styles. Here are some others that parents should know about:

Helicopter Parenting

helicopter parenting

A helicopter parent hovers over their child, swooping in at every opportunity to help them with even the smallest task. Helicopter parents often want to be involved in every aspect of their child’s life and are concerned about how other people treat them.

Helicopter parents often put their child’s needs above their own, and they worry that their child will struggle without them. They may also feel guilty if they aren’t there for their child. Helicopter parents may find themselves overreacting when they don’t know where their child is or what they’re doing, making it difficult for them to make friends and interact with other adults.

Free-Range Parenting

types of parents is a parenting style that empowers children to learn by doing and making their own decisions. They are allowed to have a lot of freedom to explore, play, and spend time with friends.

Free-range parents believe that children should be allowed to make mistakes and learn from them on their own, without the intervention of adults. They also tend to let children take on more responsibility than other types of parents. For example, free-range kids may be responsible for setting tables or making lunches.

Free-range kids may also be allowed to stay home alone or walk around the neighborhood by themselves. This type of parenting can be controversial—some people worry that these practices place undue risks on children’s safety.

Tiger Parenting

tiger parenting

Tiger parenting is a style of parenting that focuses on high expectations and strict guidelines. The child is expected to be successful and perform well in school but also to succeed at home and in extracurricular activities.

Tiger parents expect their children to work hard, and they often use threats of punishment or withholding love as motivation.

Tiger parents tend to be very involved in their child’s life, emphasizing ensuring the child does well academically. They may hire tutors or other outside resources to assist the child with learning difficulties.

Snowplow Parenting

snowplow parenting

Snowplow parenting is a term used to describe parents who are overbearing and pushy. They may take over what the child wants or force their own ideas on them. This can happen in any area of life, but most commonly, it occurs in the areas of education and sports.

The name comes from the idea that these parents are like snowplows—they clear out obstacles so their children can go along their way without interference.

This parenting style can be very effective at helping your child succeed, but it can also cause problems if you’re too forceful or controlling.

Lighthouse Parenting

types of parents

The lighthouse parent is the one who’s always there for their child, guiding them through the rough waters of life. Lighthouse parents are like a guiding light: they are always there to help their children find their way. They never give up on their kids and are always willing to listen. They believe in their children’s potential and push them to achieve it.

Lighthouse parents are the ones who will never let you give up on your dreams and will always be there when you need them most. If you want to become a lighthouse parent, then you must learn what kind of parenting style works best for your child.

Attachment Parenting

attachment parenting

As a parenting style, attachment parenting emphasizes a close, ongoing relationship between parents and children. This can be accomplished through skin-to-skin contact (such as carrying your baby in a sling), breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and other methods.

Attachment parenting aims to provide your child with a secure bond that will last throughout their life.


Being a parent can be a challenge. You must ensure that your child has a healthy upbringing and can grow into an adult who can contribute to society. If you want to be the best parent you can be, you should consider all the different parenting styles out there to figure out what works best for your child.

If you want your child to grow and learn, you need a reliable and trusted school to help you along the way. NY Baby Steps Preschool, on the other hand, is a preschool that can help you with your child’s education. They have an excellent reputation for their teaching methods and will be able to provide your child with the tools they need to succeed in school and later on in life.

Call or visit them today for more information about the school and its teaching methods.