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Positive Affirmations For Kids You Never Thought You’d Need!

What Are Positive Affirmations for Kids?

Affirmations are remarks that are meant to be positive. Stressing out positive affirmations for kids is a great way to establish self-esteem and reiterate to your children that they matter. Accordingly, cultivating children with affirmative thoughts helps them in developing their self-image that will definitely stay with them all throughout.

Positive affirmations can contribute a lot in their phase of overcoming their insecurities and fostering self-love and appreciation. Through these acknowledgments, your children will be able to boost their self-confidence by developing a healthy image of themselves no matter what they do and how they look like.

The 5 Best Things About Using Positive Affirmations With Your Kids

Positive Affirmations for Kids

1. Validates Effort and Acknowledges Challenges

Every time your children exert effort on something, never fail to acknowledge them. Even for very simple reasons like behaving well during a family gathering deserves to be praised. Children cannot always contain themselves and being able to stay composed while everyone is around is oftentimes hard for them and this will require them to use extra discipline. But the simplest ratification will surely bring them over the rainbow. Letting them know that their effort is appreciated and recognized only makes them want to do better next time.

2. Boosts Confidence

Giving your children compliments and acknowledging their endeavors greatly contributes to boosting their confidence. Despite how small or big your compliment is, it surely would not matter. They might not be able to appreciate it and embrace it immediately, but just keep going and always find ways to tell them positive affirmations as much as you can. You can even compliment them when they get to write their full name correctly or even by just seeing that they are trying to do so. Positively affirming your children’s little effort will definitely make a difference.

3. Shapes Resilience

Resiliency is one very vital trait that every individual must chiefly possess. It is important for your children to know how to be resilient because they need to know how to adapt and adjust to any new challenges that they may encounter as they grow up. No matter how hard the situation they are in, your children will learn to keep going as long as you keep on motivating them and giving them positive affirmations. The more they feel encouraged and reassured along the way, the more they strive in achieving their goals. Recognizing your children’s effort plays a crucial role in shaping their resiliency and keeping them motivated no matter how tough the situation is.

4. Helps Foster Positivity

Finding a positive remark and celebrate each endeavor is after all the simplest way to practice and instill positivity in your children’s young minds. Always make it to a point to focus on the things they can do, rather than dwelling and nagging them about things that are out of their scope as kids. Likewise, focus on celebrating even the simplest things that they can do like putting their toys back to where they belong or when they make sure to brush their teeth before going to bed. This will encourage them to find the positives in their lives.

5. Counters Negativity

Intentionally giving your children positive feedback each and every day will definitely go a long way in countering negativities that they may encounter in their whole lives. Kids,  especially if they do not receive much attention either end up being a bully or being bullied. When you make them feel like they matter and that everything they do is being recognized, they will less likely be inclined to negativity. Inculcating positive thoughts and affirmations to their minds will help them recognize their strengths and develop a healthier point of view about life and of themselves.

How to Make Your Affirmations Sound Better in 10 Easy Steps

There are no better ways in dropping positive affirmations than these 10 easy steps:

1. Be specific as much as you can so your kids will know that you really are paying attention to their actions. The more specific, the better!

2.  Praise them yourself and do not hold in for too long. Making eye contact while doing so also helps a lot.

3. Create an affirmation that your children will see every day. Positive words of acknowledgment are in fact good but going a little extra by giving them visual recognition will never hurt.

4. Draw affirmations on the mirror to let them see they are being appreciated. You can use sticky notes and even washable pens. There is nothing greater than receiving words of affirmation first thing in the morning as you wash your night dreams away!

5. Add songs to your affirmations and make your children learn to create their own!

6. Incorporate movements to make it more fun! You can give them a tight hug while telling them how amazing they have been. Moreover, giving them a high five can also do the trick.

7. Say them out loud and let everyone in the room know that you appreciate your children. Simply affirming your children is great but letting them know that you are proud of their good deeds gives away a different feeling.

8. Personalize your remarks by adding your child’s name at the end of it. While beeing recognized in general feels good, hearing your own name being praised is a whole lot different story.

9. Learn from others. It pays to continue learning ways and techniques on how you can make your affirmation on top of the line. For instance you can listen as to how other parents do such and customize it to put a personal touch.

10. Make affirming your children a routine. Hence, it does not entirely mean that you should set up a specific time of the day to gather your children and give them all the recognition they deserve. For that reason, make it a habit to pass over positive remarks even in the most random situation.

Daily Positive Affirmations for Kids to Foster Confidence and Self-esteem

1. It’s okay not to know everything.

2. Everything will be okay.

3. I am proud of you.

4. You can do anything that your heart desires.

5. You matter.

6. I love you for you are.

7. Anything is possible.

8. You are going to shine today.

9. Thank you for being you.

10. You are enough.

Growing up can be a tough ride, indeed. It is like a roller coaster with a lot of ups and downs. Despite being kids, they, too, have their fair share of struggles and bad times. In addition, their anxieties are often associated with their tantrums and attacking such situations negatively will never be of any help.

Positive affirmations for kids, no matter how simple they are in form, helps a lot in your children’s development. Creating a negative environment for them will only lead to them drifting away from you.  They will need to hear over and over again that they matter and that they fully appreciated. Whether they say it or not, your children undoubtedly look up to you as their number one cheerleader.

To conclude, your children’s mental health and emotional health must never be at risk at any given time. So here at Baby Steps, we always make sure that your children feel acknowledged and appreciated. If you might be looking for a daycare that fosters positive affirmation to preschoolers, contact us now at [pn].