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8 Ways To Help Improve Child’s Learning Skills

learning skills

Parenting means providing your child with a safe, healthy, and happy environment. Learning is one of the most important things you can do to help them become a healthy adult. Learning skills can be acquired at any age, but there are some things you can do at home to ensure your child’s learning is on track. 

Whether you have a toddler, preschooler, or elementary school-aged child, there are many ways that you can help them develop their learning skills at home. This guide will look at some of the best ways to do so.

1. Start Early

Learning starts at birth. From the moment your child is born, you can begin to instill a love of learning. Make learning an essential part of your daily routine, and watch as the skills develop in your child.

As your child’s first teacher, you can help them build upon their natural learning skills by exposing them to rich vocabulary, educational books, and toys from when they are very young. You can start talking to your children as soon as they begin to speak and ensure that every word you use is one your child understands. You can also speak to them about what they see, read and experience in the world around them. This will help them build a vocabulary that will serve them well as they grow older. 

How do you start early? It’s easy! Just follow these steps:

Learning is a lifelong process, so keep introducing new material to your children. This will help them develop a strong base of knowledge and skills.

2. Explore New Ideas and Environment

explore new ideas and environment

Kids should be encouraged to explore new ideas and environments. When exposed to something new, they learn more about themselves and their world. This will help them find out what they like and dislike and what inspires them.

Children who are exposed to new ideas and environments can build self-confidence to achieve more in life! 

From an early age, expose your child to different sights, sounds, and smells. Make sure that you engage your child with questions about what they’re seeing and hearing. This will help them develop a good sense of self and discover answers to the questions they have about people and the world around them.

Help them explore new ideas in the world around them by following these steps:

• Take your child to places they’ve never been before, like a new place at the mall or a park. 

• Plan playdates for your child with kids their age so they can meet new people and make friends.

3. Encourage Communication

talking with kids

Communication is the key to a child’s learning. In order to improve their learning skills, children need to be able to express themselves and be heard by others. This can be done through conversation or written words. A parent should encourage their children to talk about what they are learning in school or studying at home with their friends and family. This will help them become more confident about their ability to express themselves, making it easier for them to learn new things.

When your child has something interesting or important to say, ask them questions about it: 

“What did you learn?” 

“How did you feel?” 

“Where did you learn that?” 

“What happened next?” 

“How did you decide?”  

“What did your teacher say?”  

“Was anyone else in the class surprised by this?”

Encourage your child to ask questions of others. If they are told something unfamiliar or confusing, ask them why they think it’s true and how they would test out the idea themselves. This will help them form their own opinions based on their experiences. By asking questions and seeking out answers, your child will learn to converse with others and gain a sense of independence.

4. Create A Healthy Environment

A healthy environment is free from noise, congestion, and pollution. It also allows your child to be active, take breaks when needed and have time for interaction with other kids.

For your child to be able to focus on learning, they need an environment in which they feel safe and secure. It means that the people around them shouldn’t threaten them and that they can express themselves freely without fear. 

Keep things simple by avoiding distractions around your child. Turn off electronics and eliminate unnecessary indoor noise. If your child is trying to concentrate, encourage them to do so in a quiet or relaxed setting. 

5. Provide Opportunities For Playtime

provide opportunities for playtime

Children learn best when they’re having fun! When you give your child plenty of opportunities for playtime, they will be able to develop social skills and learn how to interact with others. They’ll also learn how to solve problems, plan and control their emotions, and handle situations appropriately. 

During playtime, your child can learn about the world around them. You can use toys and games to show them colors, shapes, and numbers, or you can make up your own games based on what they’re interested in. If your child wants to play superheroes with their action figures, let them! If your child is having fun, playing is no wrong way.

6. Use Technology Wisely

As technology becomes more advanced, so does how it can be used to educate your child. You can find apps for almost anything these days, including learning how to read and write or learning about science and history. 

Some parents worry that too much use of technology will make their children not want to play outside or interact with other people without a screen. While this may be true sometimes, it’s important to remember that technology is just another tool at your disposal when trying to teach kids important skills. 

You can use technology to teach your child how to read and write, but it’s important that you also make time for them to play outside with other children or at least be exposed to the world around them. Technology is a great way for parents who work full time to ensure their kids get an education without spending hours after school with homework or tutors.

7. Establish A Healthy Routine 

The best way to ensure your child’s education is to establish a healthy routine. When kids know what they need to do at each stage of their day, they’re more likely to be successful in school. 

Make sure your child’s routine is laid out well before the workday to avoid overwhelming them. The best way to do this is by creating a calendar that includes every activity you’ll do throughout the day. This will allow your child to know exactly when they need to complete their homework, practice an instrument or read a book before bedtime. 

8. Reward Your Child’s Efforts

reward your child's efforts

When you see that your child has done something well, reward them. You can choose to give them a sticker or a small treat as an incentive for following through with their daily chores or completing their homework on time. This will show them that there are consequences to their actions and that they’ll be rewarded for doing well. 

When it comes to your child’s education, praise them often and work with them as partners. It’s important that they feel like they’re a valuable part of the process of learning how to solve problems, take risks, and make decisions. 

Positive reinforcement is the best way to teach them skills they’ll use throughout their lives. When your child succeeds at something, tell them how proud you are and how much you love them. This will not only encourage them to keep trying new things, but it will also improve their self-confidence. 


As a parent, you want your child to succeed in life. You want them to have good relationships, be healthy and happy and be able to handle any obstacles that come their way. If you’re looking for ways to help them achieve these goals, NY Babysteps Preschool is a great place to start.  

Our preschool program is designed to teach children social skills, problem-solving and cognitive development. We have a holistic approach that focuses on the whole child and prepares them for kindergarten and beyond.

To learn more about our preschool program, contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!