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Breathing Exercises for Kids: A Fun Way to Help Them Get Calm

breathing exercises for kids

Are you looking for a fun way to help your child get calm? Breathing exercises for kids are the perfect solution! Not only are they easy to do, but they can also help your child relax and stay focused in stressful situations. With the proper guidance and practice, your child can learn to use these exercises to help manage their emotions. 

From counting breaths to trying different visualization techniques, there are many ways that your child can benefit from breathing exercises. In this article, we’ll walk you through some of the best breathing exercises for kids that you can try at your own home.

Benefits of Breathing Exercises for Kids

Practicing breathing exercises can provide numerous health benefits for children. Here are some of the advantages that come with teaching kids how to breathe properly:

1. Improved Concentration

Concentration and focus are improved through breathing exercises for kids. By practicing deep breathing techniques, children can learn to direct their thoughts better and concentrate on tasks for longer periods of time. Regular breathing exercises can also help kids become more aware of their ideas, enabling them to control their attention and keep it from straying.

2. Reduced Stress Levels

School and social pressures can be overwhelming for children, causing them to experience stress and anxiety. Practicing breathing exercises for kids can reduce certain stress-related symptoms and improve your child’s mood in the long run. These exercises can also help regulate overall levels of stress in young children.

3. Improved Self-Awareness

An essential element of effective breathing exercises for kids is focusing and calming the mind. By practicing deep breathing techniques, children can learn to balance the organ of respiration and the rest of the body. This self-awareness will enable them to control their emotions better and prevent outbursts in stressful situations.

4. Improved Cardiovascular Health

Regular breathing exercises for kids will help improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness levels. As children become more aware of their body’s functions, they will also better understand their breathing patterns. This understanding can help children become more active and lead healthier lifestyles.

5. Better Sleep

The practice of breathing exercises for kids can also help improve your child’s quality of sleep and the duration of their sleep cycles. By reducing stress and anxiety during the day, breathing exercises can help your child fall asleep more easily at night. Certain breathing exercises are designed specifically to induce sleepiness in children.

Introducing the Easy and Effective Breathing Exercises for Kids

Deep breathing exercises can help kids stay calm and focused, even when feeling overwhelmed. To make the practices engaging and memorable, use imagery and language familiar to children. Try out the following exercises to help your kids create a sense of calm and relaxation.

Keep in mind that when introducing breathing exercises for kids, keep them simple while ensuring they are age-appropriate. This will help your children remember how to perform the activities correctly and reduce the risk of complications.

1. The One-Minute Breath

the one minute breath

The breath is at the root of all energy and life, which is why it’s a great place to start with breathing exercises for kids. By learning how to become calm and aware of their breathing, children can learn to control their own energy levels, which will help them focus in stressful situations. This counting activity is good for preschoolers and up and is not time-consuming.

To make it more fun and engaging, introduce a timer and challenge your child to do their best to remain calm and focused for one minute.

How to Do It:

  • Have your child find a comfortable position
  • Explain the concept of inhaling and exhaling slowly
  • Set the timer for one minute
  • Encourage your child to focus on their breath
  • When the time is up, discuss the experience with your child

2. Blowing Bubbles

Bubble-blowing is a fun activity that many children already enjoy. However, it can also be used as a breathing exercise for kids to help them become calmer and more relaxed. To make this exercise even more enjoyable, try adding some essential oils to the bubble solution to create pleasant aromas while they’re blowing the bubbles. This will also create a soothing experience for your child and encourage them to focus on their breath.

With this exercise, remember to encourage your child to remain focused on the bubbles as they are being blown. Which is why it’s essential to make it an engaging experience.

How to Do It:

  • Gather supplies (bubble solution, bubble wand, etc.)
  • Demonstrate the technique for blowing bubbles
  • Practice deep breathing as you blow the bubbles
  • Encourage your child to experiment with different sizes and shapes of bubbles.
  • Discuss the benefits of deep breathing exercises

3. Blow Out Candle

blow out candle breathing

Help your child practice blowing out candles on an imaginary birthday cake by having them take a deep breath in their mouth and then blow it out strongly. As your child breathes in, they should feel a warm sensation. 

Since blowing out candles can be done anywhere, it’s also an excellent way to introduce breathing exercises for kids. Aside from helping children develop focus, it can also help kids learn how to control their breath.

How to Do It:

  • Make sure a child is sitting upright and comfortably.
  • Ask them to imagine that there’s a candle in front of them
  • Have them take a deep breath in and blow out the imaginary candles
  • Repeat the exercise multiple times
  • Encourage positive reinforcement and praise them for their efforts

4. Smelling Flowers 

The easiest way to introduce breathing exercises for kids is to have them smell some flowers. It’s a simple yet effective method. Incorporate deep breathing into the process so your child can focus on the smell of the flowers, giving your child a moment to relax. You can even have them choose the scent that they enjoy the most.

You can also have your child pick out a flower petal and try to make out each smell identifiable. This exercise can help teach a child how to recognize different scents, which is beneficial in later stages of life.

5. The Snake Breath 

breathing exercises for kids

Snake breath is an excellent exercise for kids, as it helps emotionally center and relax them. It is easy to do, and the physical act of it is calming. Encourage your child to take on the role of a snake and practice hissing by taking deep breaths through the nose and releasing a soft and low hissing sound through the mouth.

6. The Bunny Breath

Encourage your child to breathe like a bunny in the garden for a few moments: three quick sniffs through the nose and a long exhale out through the mouth. This is a fun and engaging breathing exercise for kids and can be a great way for children to feel more relaxed. 

To make this exercise more enjoyable, challenge your child to hold their breath as much as possible during the sniffs.

7. The Balloon Breath

Learning this Balloon Breath might take a bit of practice, but it can be a great tool for kids to build concentration, focus, and control over their thoughts. It’s one of the most helpful breathing exercises for kids, as it can help them develop emotional resilience and self-control.

To make it more fun and engaging, your child can practice the balloon breath when playing with a balloon or even dancing. Encourage them to think about what music they would like to listen to as they practice the breathing exercises and dance.

How to Do It:

  • Gather your child and some balloon
  • Confirm with your child that they understand the concept of balloon breathing
  • Have them practice the technique while playing with a balloon
  • After they’ve practiced several times, ask them to practice it dancing
  • Ask them to express their thoughts on what they like about the experience and what they think might improve it 

8. Shoulder Roll Breath

Shoulder roll breaths can be a helpful breathing exercise for kids. Not only do they provide the benefits of deep breathing, but they can also help release tight muscles and tension. Have your child sit in a comfortable position to get started. Encourage them to roll their shoulders towards their ears as they breathe in, then let them drop their shoulders back down on exhalation.

Ways to Incorporate Deep Breathing Exercises for Kids

ways to incorporate deep breathing exercises

Helping your child practice deep breathing exercises can be a fun and engaging experience for both of you. You may be surprised to learn that there are many ways to incorporate deep breathing exercises into your child’s daily routine. Why not try it and see how you can benefit from a few moments of mindful breathing?

1. Choose the Technique that Suits Them Best

The best way to incorporate deep breathing exercises for kids is not to focus on the method of breathing but to focus on the results. Not every child will benefit from deep breathing exercises in the same way. 

In fact, some techniques may need to be revised for younger children even to understand. So, instead of forcing your child to practice deep breathing exercises, pick what you think is the best technique for your child.

2. Choose a Time That Works For Them

It is crucial that you choose a time that is convenient and comfortable for your child. Not all kids will be receptive to deep breathing exercises in the morning, so you may have to choose a different time of day.

3. Educate Your Child on the Benefits of Deep Breathing Exercises

As you start to incorporate deep breathing exercises for kids, you must take a moment to educate them on the benefits of deep breathing. You can even use the techniques together – explaining why it is beneficial as you go.

4. Keep it Fun and Engaging

Deep breathing exercises can be a great tool to help your child develop focus and self-control. However, if they are bored or disengaged, they will not experience the full benefits of deep breathing. So, make sure you choose techniques that will keep your child interested. Kids love to play games, so if you can incorporate deep breathing exercises into a game, they are more likely to learn and remember.

Consider practicing deep breathing exercises for kids with your child before bed.

5. Model the Behavior

model the behavior

Deep breathing has the power to help kids relax. You can even use it yourself to help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Modeling deep breathing exercises for kids can help them learn how beneficial the technique can be in their daily lives. 

Final Thoughts

Deep breathing exercises for kids can be extremely beneficial to their health. They are also incredibly simple to integrate into your child’s daily routine, making it a cool and easy way to help them learn about their body, control their emotions and balance their stress levels.

Are you searching for a dependable and trustworthy preschool for your little one? Baby Steps Preschool is the perfect place to ensure they can learn, develop and reach their fullest potential in a secure and safe atmosphere. With highly qualified teachers, a fun and positive learning environment, and an array of fun activities, you can be sure your child is well taken care of and will develop into a confident and well-rounded child. 

For more information about our program, contact us today!